So sorry for you delayed beer, please enjoy 20% off your next fresh beer order!

Thank you so much for supporting Brockley Brewery during this time, it is greatly appreciated.
We ave very sorry if you are one of the few we didn't manage to deliver beer to by 7pm yesterday (Friday 03/04). Please let us know if you didn't receive the correct order and we will sort this out for you (only email and phone contact please)! Any orders that are yet to be delivered will arrive this afternoon.
We have a very small team and our Friday orders were double the usual daily number so we were a tad overwhelmed, thank you for bearing with us.
We are also trying to deliver only by pedal power in SE4 and unfortunately one of our bike trailers broke mid order so not to blame the tools, but that did delay us a tad further. We have now fixed the trailers and will be adding more cyclists into our team to avoid this happening again.
We have created a 20% discount coupon for any orders that didn't make it by 7pm yesterday evening. This will be SE4, SE12 and SE13 orders. The coupon applies to fresh beer and is valid until 30th April 2020. Please email to receive your coupon.
We understand if you are upset about the delay and we are happy to talk to people over email or the phone but please do not come to our Brockley Brewery site. This is a staff only site and any interaction from the public puts the entire operation at risk. We want to keep delivering beer to you all, get better at it and provide for you during this tricky time. We won't be able to do that if any of our team falls ill with COVID-19. Please respect our staff, this operation and stay at home.
Alternatively we are open at Hither Green Taproom today (Saturday) from 1-6pm where we are selling fresh takeaway beer as well as bottles and cans! Hither Green off license is bigger and mostly outside so a lot safer, please make your visit swift and remember to stay 2 metres back at all times.
Have a great Saturday!
Sending good vibes always! Brockley Brewery Team